Truth Or Dare — Doja Cat Can Out Rap Cardi B, Out Sing Nicki Minaj, Out Twerk Megan Thee Stallion & Out Entertain The Newcomers — Respectfully?

Does Doja Cat’s ‘Need To Know’ Further Verify That She’s Low-Key Killing The Competition?

Rising L.A. rapper Doja Cat has been solidifying her position in hip hop consistently for the last few years. Although riddled with controversy as people questioned her choices in men and comments she’s made in the past, similar to that little, bright tool used in the film Men in Black to erase people’s recollection of aliens, Doja Cat’s 360 talent has appeared to erase the memories of her haters who were dead set on canceling the “Kiss Me More” rapper as recent as last year.

Now, halfway into 2021, Doja Cat is not only dropping banger after banger, but she’s also outperforming her competition. Since art is subjective this is debatable, but when music auteurs take account of the quality of her live performances, creativeness of her music videos, perfection of her ability to transition from rapping to singing, and the impeccable ability of her team to pick all the right beats for her music production, Doja Cat is really putting in that work.

Watch The “Need To Know” Music Video Below:

Still not a believer? Well, let’s take a look at her track record. Kickstarting with her SoundCloud releases in 2012 that include “So High,” “Cannibal,” and “4 Morant (Better Luck Next Time),” Doja Cat has over 30 singles under her belt, along with one EP and three studio albums. Her songs “Juicy,” “Say So,” “Boss Bitch,” “Like That,” and “Streets” have all gone platinum. To add insult to injury, respectfully she could easily out rap Cardi B, out sing Nicki Minaj, out twerk Megan Thee Stallion, and out entertain many of the newcomers. Granted she doesn’t present herself as a catty diva like others, instead she has collaborated with the likes of Rico Nasty, City Girls, Mulatto, Saweetie, and Megan Thee Stallion.

The gimmick used by some female rap talent that strictly relies on throwing their p—y and a– in our faces has grown boring for women looking for music that makes them feel like a boss or a babe, especially since half of the world population also have their own vaginas to manage. While Doja is no stranger to using her sexuality in her art, is it safe to say that she’s masterful at leaving her fans with some sort of mystery even when she’s blatantly rapping about sex? The other rappers can learn a thing or two from her strategy. Instead of coercing awareness from music listeners through cheap tactics, such as drama with boyfriends, husbands, and best friends, how about actually having and using….talent?

Doja’s latest music video “Need To Know” aligns perfectly with the theme of her upcoming album Planet Her set for release on June 25. Produced by Brian Bell and directed by Miles Cable and AJ Favicchio, the video features a painted green Doja in a futuristic space element as she goes clubbing with her other alien friends when she meets a blue-haired love interest. Sounds crazy, but at least it’s different.

What do you think, is Doja killing her competition?

About The MouthSoap Staff 2167 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for