Nicole Murphy Makes Wild Appearance On Wendy Williams To Address “The Kiss”

Nicole Murphy went on The Wendy Williams Show to address all the stirring rumors about her alleged “affair” with director Antoine Fuqua. 

Months ago, photos surfaced of Murphy locking lips with Fuqua, who is married to actress Lela Rochon. 

Wendy Williams started the interview off telling Murphy that she was in a “safe place”.  Then, she shared small talk about Murphy’s first grandchild, which was all sweet and dandy.  But, Williams wasted no time to get to the juicy topic of the interview, “So, Nicole was a Hot Topic and still is for kissing a married man.” 

Murphy tried to explain herself, implying that it was only a peck and that she wished it never happened.  The model and former reality star of Hollywood Exes responded to Wendy, “It was a moment where I should’ve thought more through the situation, made better judgements,” Murphy said.  “I apologize for it.” 

Murphy denied releasing a statement saying Fuqua was a family friend.  She also denied knowing Lela Rochon personally, only through casual passing. 

Denial and deflection was the name of the game for Murphy.  But, when Ms. Wendy turned everyone’s attention to “Exhibit B”, a photo of Murphy bent all sideways leaning into Fuqua to get a tongue kiss in, the audience erupted in gasps and woos.  Murphy clamored with laughter, clearly caught in a fib. 

Audience members respond to Murphy saying everyone makes mistakes.

She resorted to blaming social media for creating a fake narrative about breaking up Lisa Raye’s marriage with Michael Misick, former Prime Minister of Turks & Caicos. 

At one point Murphy addresses the audience, “I’m human, I’m sure everybody in here has made a mistake you learn from your mistakes.”  The audience responded with great disapproval, judging every inch of her beautiful amazon of a body. 

The interview was a whole entire mess, leaving the world to wonder who advised her to come on national television to shed light on her private affairs. 

In fact, it is odd that Fuqua hasn’t taken measures to apologize publicly or at the least, address the incident.  Murphy has been doing all the dirty work.  At the end of the day, Murphy shouldn’t be shouldering the blame for everything.  Fuqua is the one who took vows.

Catch the interview below:

About The MouthSoap Staff 2167 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for