Netflix’s Bling Empire Brings A New Kind Of Drama To Reality

By Greg P.

If you have cleared out your entire queue on Netflix and are desperately searching for something new to binge, Bling Empire might be the show for you. Bling Empire is a reality TV show that came to fruition because of the film, Crazy Rich Asians. The show follows the lives of the extremely wealthy and elite status of a small group of rich Asians living in Los Angeles. 

Some of the key players in the show are Kane Lim, whose wealth comes from his generational wealth in real estate, oil, and other assets, Kevin Kreider, who is a model but essentially plays the role of the more humble and down to Earth guy, Christine Chiu, a philanthropist, Anna Shay, whose money comes from weapons, Kelly Mi Li, an entrepreneur who is dating an actor, and Kim Lee, a famous DJ. 

Don’t get it twisted, this show has all the elements of a juicy reality TV show, but watching it from a more anthropological lens, it is quite fascinating. From the very first episode, “Necklacegate 90210,” it is evident that Bling Empire is heavily influenced by its predecessors such as Keeping Up with the Kardashians. But with Bling Empire, the main pull of the show is seeing just how rich these people are and the unnecessarily extra lifestyle they live. At least with the Kardashians, they brought in the concept of fame and working in the entertainment industry as a means to spark some interesting plotlines. In Bling Empire, most of the characters are college dropouts, don’t work, and are just living day to day bathing in their generational wealth. 

One of the most forced drama filled moments in the first episode is when Anna is having a dinner party at her house, and Christine happens to be wearing a luxurious necklace that Anna also owns. And because the demeanor in which Christine flaunted the piece around her party, Anna got upset and ended up switching her seats around at the dinner table. Imagine being so rich and petty that you want to one-up your friend at their own dinner party just to prove your wealth. 

Another fun bit from the first episode is when Anna and a few other people are on a flight to Paris just because they can go to Paris, and she decides that it would be fun to be a flight attendant on the plane ride there. Again, from an anthropological lens, it is absolutely wild to think a person who is so incredibly wealthy can think it would be a fun idea to participate in the working class. 

From an outsider watching their lives, it feels impossible to empathize with any of the characters regarding any of their issues such as dating and relationships when they are so well off, but I can’t stop watching. Everything that they do in the show is a spectacle and over the top like bringing two bodyguards to buy a motorcycle. It’s a lifestyle that I will never truly understand, and maybe that is why this show is so addicting to watch. 

There are currently 8 episodes of the Bling Empire available to stream on Netflix, but they are easy to watch and soon enough, you’ll realize that you watched the entire season in one sitting while eating a full box of Tagalog Girl Scout Cookies. So, if watching rich Asians living a lavish lifestyle in beautiful homes, wearing designer clothing, and taking too many Instagram photos sounds interesting, Bling Empire is the perfect show for you. 

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Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for