Lost In Translation:  ‘RHOP’ Tip Toes Into Taboo Territory With “Elbow Flirtation” Allegations Against Candiace Bassett’s Husband

Contrary to popular belief, reality television comes with more than just a couple of squabbles over who owns the most liabilities or depreciating assets, but underneath its “ratchet” exterior lies intramural messages that does its due diligence of mirroring a society gone wild.  The latest episode of the Real Housewives of Potomac proved this all too well when newcomer and friend to the show, Deborah Williams, made an astonishing admission about Chris Bassett, husband to singer and tissue mascot Candiace Dillard Bassett.  

Earlier in the 7th season of RHOP, Gizelle Bryant, also known as one-half of the “Green-eyed Bandit” duo, brought to Candiace’s attention that her husband overstepped his boundaries when he went into a hotel room with her to have a conversation.  At first hearing, Gizelle’s story sounded alarming considering that Chris is a married man and all, but the details revealed that there was no smoke, no fire, not even a fire extinguisher there.

That was until Ashley Darby shared a sip of tea about a friend of hers that experienced a similar situation when she alleged that Chris flirted with her in the DMs.  Yet, that too was a flatlined attempt to defame the former music manager.  Apparently, Chris had messaged the friend that she should have came to the social scene at the hotel he worked at as a chef, insinuating that she would’ve had more fun there.  The friend interpreted his promotion of the hotel as a personal invite to get frisky, something Chris vehemently denies.  

Mrs. Bassett chose to stand by her man and took on the sudden onslaught of accusations with pierced eyes and stiff shoulders.  For a moment, it appeared that Chris was off the hook — in walks Deborah Williams, Ashley’s peculiar friend. 


While attending Karen Huger’s variety show, Ashley, who is known for her tact (sarcasm, anyone?), decided to introduce Deborah to Candiace.  The awkwardness prevailed as Deborah attempted to make something out of nothing when she told Candiace that her husband was a big flirt because — wait for it — the way he positioned his elbow when they happened to be standing side by side at a bar.  Deborah also mentioned that his charming smile also gave her the impression that Chris is an ole cheating dog.

To viewers, the way these accusations played out on RHOP may have been a laughable moment, however, in the real world, many people have found themselves shunned by society or placed behind bars because of the frivolous accusatory culture that has been sensationalized over the past few years.  It’s gotten so bad that some people will refrain from everyday salutations, such as saying hello or smiling because of these very exact situations.

There could be many reasons behind the paranoia and awkwardness between men and women.  Some people are on edge because they have been traumatized by past abuses that range from cat calling on the streets to people making slight inappropriate inferences in the workplace.  Others may have more malicious intent for their targets, whether it’s to gain a bag, attention, or retribution.  

In this case, it simply comes off as Deborah thinking too highly of herself, and that was implied by the many comments from castmates on her appearance.  Candiace referred to her as a Sesame Street character, while Mia Thornton rated Deborah on the low end of beauty.  

Is it unfair to Deborah that even those in her social circle would dismiss her claims simply because she doesn’t meet their standards of beauty?  Yes, period.  Any person can become a victim of unwanted advances.  However, Deborah’s case turned into a sitcom when she could not provide substantive evidence of why a normal human smiling and placing his elbow on the bar next to hers would warrant him to be a cheater that’s preying on women.  

Thanks to the wonderfully shady producers of RHOP, there were scene inserts that showed Chris minding his own business in several instances involving the women of RHOP.


Sidebar, this didn’t work for Ashley’s former husband, Michael Darby, who was accused of making sexual advances toward a production crew member and fantasizing about Robyn Dixon’s “roommate,” Juan Dixon.  Footage led viewers to believe that Michael really was a rolling stone and wherever he laid his hat, well, you know the rest!  

But this simply isn’t the case regarding Chris.  In fact, this season reveals an ugly angle of the #MeToo Movement where a lot of the context is lost in translation and people are weaponizing the real pain of actual victims for their personal agendas.  This is dangerous territory as it can lead to victims who need help, regardless of their aesthetics, not being believed.  

Pondering the consequences, I can’t help but wonder what are the consequences for those who blatantly lie on their alleged accusers.  Then, I come to my senses and realize it’s 2023 — fame and financial gain are the consequences.

Viewers can catch Real Housewives of Potomac on Bravo, every Sunday.

Candiace Talks About Accusations Against Her Husband

About The MouthSoap Staff 2167 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for TheMouthSoap.com.