Billionaire NFL Owner Shad Khan To Be Majority Investor In J.C. Watts ‘Black News Channel’

Jacksonville Jaguars owner Shad Khan announced that he will be a majority investor in the Black News Channel, a round-the-clock minority-owned and operated news network targeting African Americans.

Former U.S. House of Representative and Republican, J.C. Watts, will be chairman of the Black News Channel, while industry vet Bob Brillante will be CEO. “When Shad and I were kids, they had three networks in the U.S.,” Watts said in a conference call. “Today, you have venues that you can speak to every demographic in the country in terms of news. But, there’s no venue for the African American community to have a dialogue to talk about cultural things. This platform will create that, and we’re tickled that Shad has chosen to come alongside us and walk with us in this effort.”

Based out of Tallahassee, Florida, the Black News Channel will launch Nov. 15 to 33 million households through its partnerships with DISH, Comcast and Charter Communications.

Satellite locations for the network will be placed all around the U.S. Access to the channel will be available in major black markets, including Los Angeles, New York, Atlanta, New Orleans and Chicago.

According to Watts, the network will focus on important news and cultural topics to black people, such as sickle cell disease and HBCUs. “I am a big believer in the fact that we have a number of communities, obviously especially the African American, who are underserved,” Khan said in the call. “We know the mission, but I’m hoping that as time goes on this becomes a bridge to connect all the cultures, including obviously south Asian, which I am. This is a great worthwhile cause.”

Khan, who is a billionaire, plans to invest enough money in the network to ensure that it has a long run. “I believe there is an undeniable calling for everything the Black News Channel will deliver to African American television audiences, who have historically been underserved in an era where networks have otherwise successfully targeted news to specific demographic groups and interests,” Khan said. “My decision to invest was an easy one, because we get to answer that calling. The investment continues to make sure that not only are there bricks and mortar and equipment are really what it takes to make an excellent product, but also the people on the air and the programming costs. It’s whatever it takes.”

Watts was pleased that Khan decided to invest. “Mr. Khan is a very successful and influential businessman, and we are honored to have him as a partner in the network,” Watts said. “We applaud his passion and commitment to serve our nation’s African American communities, and we look forward to doing great things with his participation.”

Born in Pakistan, Shad Khan, 69, is a billionaire business owner with a diverse portfolio that includes the NFL’S Jacksonville Jaguars, All Elite Wrestling promotion company, Fulham F.C. soccer club and Flex-N-Gate auto parts manufacturer. Named the 61st wealthiest person in the U.S. by Forbes, his net worth is reported to be $7.8B.

J.C. Watts, 61, played college football for the Oklahoma Sooners, which parlayed into professional football with the Canadian Football League. Later, as a Republican, he served as a U.S. House of Representative in Oklahoma’s 4th Congressional District from January 1999 to January 2003.

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Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for