Relationship Guru Tony Gaskins “Exposes The Game” On How Men Play Mind Tricks On The Women They Date

Tony Gaskins breaks down the many ways a man can play mind tricks with the ladies in a session that he informally calls “exposing the game.”

The relationship expert and life coach unleashed a 35-minute video discussing how some males intentionally build insecurity in women they date by exposing her to unnecessary scenarios that involve him having inappropriate contact with other women.

It could come in the form of the man looking at another woman too long right in front of his girlfriend or the infamous social media infidelity addict who gets a kick out of virtual hookups behind his main lady’s back.

Gaskins breaks it all down. He even goes in on those who criticize him for being too hard on men saying that he wouldn’t have to address men if they weren’t doing the things they were doing.

Gaskins’ ability to make what can be a heartbreaking lesson for many something to come to terms with, and even chuckle at, is just another reason why this video is a must watch.

Check it out below:

About The MouthSoap Staff 2167 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for