DJ Vlad Takes Back Saying The U.S. Would Go Bankrupt If It Paid Billions In Reparations To Descendants Of Slaves

DJ Vlad has changed his mind regarding whether the U.S. would ever be able to pay billions in reparations for descendants of slaves.

Vlad once said that the U.S. was just too tight on funds to dish out such a large amount at once. But, it appears that the COVID-19 pandemic has changed his perspective. The infamous hip hop interview guru took to Twitter to admit he was wrong.

“I previously said the US won’t pay billions for reparations to descendants of slaves because it would bankrupt the country,” Vlad said. “Which is why I suggested free college education as payment. Then covid-19 hit and the government instantly came up with trillions. I can admit I was wrong.”

The recent influx of stimulus checks proves that the U.S. has access to funds for distribution to the American citizens. It also proves that it doesn’t take a lifetime to pass a bill to issue payment to those that are in need of aid.

Lastly, historic evidence shows that the U.S. government bails out who they want to bail out, and that includes big business and groups of invested interest.

Beyond these points, there’s a major flaw with DJ Vlad’s solution to repay slave victims by giving their bloodlines a free education.

In the current job market, while a degree holds some value, it’s not as valuable as it once was. With the job market saturated with college graduates, students are finding it hard to obtain entry-level positions that pay well.

College education can be a key to success, but for the most part, as DJ Vlad probably knows, it’s another way to train people to work for others.

Granted that free education would reduce the financial burden of student loans, this type of reparation will only solve one of the major problems facing today’s generation of black people.

Home ownership, business ownership, financial literacy, access to health and medical resources and social justice reform are among the most essential criteria for a better quality of life and upward mobility in the black community.

The learning lesson here is that the U.S. can do anything it puts its mind to. But, the question is whether the U.S. wants to. Or, is it beneficial to keep a group of people in subservient positions in life?

Watch DJ Vlad discuss Reparations with Brand Nubian’s Lord Jamar

About The MouthSoap Staff 2165 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for

1 Comment

  1. Its very beneficial for them to keep up in a certain position because even though the government does not want welfare programs they do want us dependent on them. Just imagine millions of black independent people making moves not needing the help of the government. That would probably scare them. The one issue with receiving reparations is that I think a mandatory finance course should be done before receiving that type of money because the dollar only circulates in our communities for 6 Hours compared to Days in other communities. Black Businesses only get 2% of black dollars however if that was increased by 10% it would generate 1 Million jobs in our communities so it is crucial that we learn the economics and importance of our money before receiving it.. Vlad was wrong from the start because every other group that has been wronged by the country has received some type of reparations from the government and we cant even get a genuine apology, its also crazy that it to took COVID-19 for him to realize this.. F.Y.I Senator John Conyers(Rest In Power) wrote a reparations bill and for 30 years he introduced it to legislators and nothing came from it so you are correct when you say, “Its not that they cant give reparations, it’s that they dont want to..”

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