Michael B. Jordan, Director Of ‘Creed III,’ Humble Flexes On Former Classmate, Lore’l, Who Allegedly Used To Call Him “Corny” [Updated]

Days after an interaction at a Creed III premiere between The Morning Hustle host Lore’l and director Michael B. Jordan went viral, the power suits behind The Morning Hustle are debunking that Lore’l ever called Jordan “corny.” Instead, it was confirmed that Dominque Da Diva, a former co-host of The Undressing Room Podcast, used the term to label the multi-hyphen actor.

On the episode “Cry Me A River,” Dominique Da Diva did not appear to be malicious in her statement as she referred to Jordan’s public persona within relationships.

“You know what I really think deep down inside? I think that Michael B. Jordan is a nice, corny guy, and I don’t mean that as a slight,” Dominique Da Diva opined.

In a social media post, Dominique Da Diva confirmed that she made the statement and doubled down on the sentiment. However, Lore’l is not free from the debacle. Unfortunately, she admits that she participated in “teasing” Jordan in childhood because of his name and the fact that he used to bring his headshots to school.

Original Article:

All things work together for the good of those that love … the nerd.  Lore’l was conducting interviews on the red carpet for the upcoming film Creed III when she had an awkward encounter with a former childhood classmate.  The Morning Hustle host jogged the memory of Creed III director and actor Michael B. Jordan when she reminded him that they used to attend school together in Newark, New Jersey. 


“We know each other,” Lore’l said in the interview.  “We go way back, all the way to Chad Science [Academy] in Newark.”

But what was a fond memory for Lore’l left a less than pleasurable experience for Jordan, who reminded her that she was one of the students that used to make fun of him.

“Yeah, the corny kid, right?” Jordan responded with a scowl on his face.

Lore’l attempted to laugh the jab off, and denied ever calling him corny.  Instead, she admitted to making fun of his name — perhaps because his name is similar to NBA hall of famer Michael Jordan?

Jordan wasn’t having it and proceeded to do a humble flex.  Lore’l quickly changed the conversation to his career and Creed III.  But, the awkwardness didn’t end there.  

At one point, co-star Jonathan Majors joined Jordan, oblivious to what had proceeded before. The two men began to do a playful back and forth when Lore’l interjected, “Who’s the sexiest man?” To which Majors replied, “What kind of question is that?” Followed by Majors paying Jordan his just due.

The conversation between Lore’l and Jordan resumed with Jordan having the most validated look on his face.  Then, just like that, a publicist whisked him away without even so much of a “nice seeing you” or “bye.”

Lore’l had the last word, however, as she quipped, “You’re not corny, anymore!”  The corniest thing the former femcee and reality television star could have said.

Watch The Interview Below:

If there’s any lesson this encounter can teach us is to only speak truth and consider who you may hurt by what you say or do.  Everyone is human and perfection is unrealistic, so mistakes are inevitable.  But when you make a mistake or have learned from your transgressions, just apologize, be genuine about it, and don’t do it again.

Lastly, for the kids in school, the nerd just might be your future leader or boss, so be nice.

Creed III, starring Jordan, Majors, Tessa Thompson, Florian Munteanu, and Woody Harris, released in theaters March 3, 2023.

About The MouthSoap Staff 2167 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for TheMouthSoap.com.